Friday, May 21, 2010

How can I make the FLASH movies on my website expand to full screen like on youtube?

What's a Flash Conversion player that offers that feature? I've looked at several programs, none of which offer that. If not a program, is there some coding I can do or work-around type way to get my videos to expand to full screen?

How can I make the FLASH movies on my website expand to full screen like on youtube?
If its a flash projector file just use ctrl+f. this does not work if its source file.

Attach a projector file and make it open in a new window from the main page. Try it. I've worked with dreamweawer and flash for web designing.
Reply:go to youtube and search for a video called "flash tutorial" or something like that. It should have a number of different options on handleing your flash player.

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