Friday, July 31, 2009

How do I black out a flash website while an internal movie is playing?

I want it so they can see the site under an opaque background (with movie playing in the center) but the site doesn't work until the movie has finished playing... The movie is from within Flash, I 'm using actionscript 2.0.

Any help would be great!

How do I black out a flash website while an internal movie is playing?
Place the video player in a movieClip (in the top layer of your main timeline). Inside the movieClip (and under the movie's layer), make a large black rectangle the entire size of your stage, and convert it to a movieClip and place the following code in frame 1 (after naming your clip "myMC"):

//This code makes your movieClip receive button events and will effectively disable everything below it

myMC.onRelease = function (){


//This disables the hand cursor

myMC.useHandCursor = false;

Click on "login" at this website. They do something similar.

They also did it here:

Unless your website is completely black, you're probably going to have to go full-screen. I have a few tips on this here:

Good luck.

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