Thursday, July 30, 2009

What is a good torrent client that will work good on my flash drive?

I have tried installing uTorrent on my flash drive but if I start a download and then have to pull out my flash drive to switch computers in the middle of the download it dissapears.

I want one that I can set up to download to a folder on my flash drive and be able to unplug my flash drive and switch computers in the middle of a downlad and be able to finish it on the second computer.

What is a good torrent client that will work good on my flash drive?
Remember that when you install utorrent in order for it to work it has to use the OS of computer A, if you switch to computer B then it "sees" it as a new system (it actually is) even if it is same Windows. Your USB has no OS in it to process the instructions.

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