Friday, July 31, 2009

How much waste is added to landfills each year because of the overpackaging of flash drives?

Hey.. I really need some help. I have to do a project on overpackaging and I choose flash drives. They have a lot of excess packaging and I was wondering if anyone knows a site of someone I can contact that would possibily give me details on how much trash is being added to landfills because of this. Also if anyone wants to throw some numbers out, I guess that would be fine too.

How much waste is added to landfills each year because of the overpackaging of flash drives?
Heaven only knows. Think about the mass of the packaging on the flash drive that you bought, and how much water it displaces (to measure volume). Then figure out how many flash drives are sold in the US each year.
Reply:a lot, but people will steal them otherwise, sad isn't it, that people will steal something so small that you only need one or two of and risk screwing up the whole world...

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